Saturday, December 30, 2006

A New Day

God has awaken me earlier than normal the last two days. I forgot how I penned it in my written journal early yesterday morning. How grateful I was to be awaken by Lucy's snoring from the sniffles and her legs lassoed over my torso as she rested her head on Eric's mid half back beside me. I smiled to myself as I remembered a little girl about 27 years ago doing the same thing to her parents. I was remembering how grateful I was to be able to care for my children while they are sick. I forgot throughout the day how I awoke. Smiling and feeling blessed beyond words or measure. I've also been having weird and humorous dreams. My last dream before leaving my warm and safe slumber was about my medical doctor from when I was young through early adulthood. He is normally a very serious and blunt man. Not much room for feelings. In my dream he moved his practice into his home where his whole family could be together. He quizzed me in front of children playing and at the end he played an unusual instrument for me and Beth, encouraging her to play the drum along with it. The point of me retelling some of this odd dream is this: I don't see people or situations in real life how God sees them. Throughout the day I often lose sight of the things God places in my heart early in the morning. Yearning today to see things more like God and thankful each days is anew.


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