Saturday, January 13, 2007

Last Update before Pam Returns!

This will be the last update until the team returns to the states. I hope you all have found them informative and helped you feel connected to their trip. Yesterday the team went to the market. Pam found a sill she was unaware of, she is very good at bargaining. She even did better than Eric. They said “Look out Dave”. They were not able to go to another orphanage as they had a mix up with Robert. Pam also got a new hair do on this day. I can’t wait to see it. Tony was able to go on a date with a nephew, a niece, and his sister-in-law. On Saturday, they met with the lady that owns the house (for the library). Things did not go very well, so they will not be using this building. They then left to go to the Year End celebration. On the way there they had car trouble. It was fixed, but this put them back about 3 hours. They said everything worked out just fine. They had lunch at the party then went to Tony’s Mother’s house again. A brother and sister of his were there, so it was a good reunion. For dinner, they ate at Pastor Vaye’s house. He is the Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. This evening they were able to spend at lot of time talking with Robert and Koligar. Tomorrow (Sunday), they will go to church around10:30. Tony will be speaking tomorrow. Then they will have time to pack and go to the airport. Their plane leaves at 9:40p.m. (their time), so they have to go to the airport around 4 or 5. Mark asked several times for prayer that all the flights go well and are on time. I ask that you pray that the weather will be good enough for them to be here at 5:40p.m. (and not a minute later). THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THESE LETTERS AND FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS! Love, Amy


Blogger Cassie said...

I CANNOT WAIT FOR YOU TO BE HOME, PAM!!!! very anxious for every single detail. coffee...jody's...when you are up to it. miss you. love you!!!

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been SO interesting following your blog reports and I TOO will be very happy when you return safely and on time :-)... I cannot imagine how much you long to be back!! Prayers have been flowing from this way no doubt!! God bless you!!

9:31 AM  
Blogger Every Day Girl said...

What does your new hair doo look like?(Is it braids?)

10:11 AM  

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