Happy Birthday to the Baby

My baby is 5 today! We didn't have any gifts along so after a fast trip to Walmart and some quick thinking by my sister-in-law ordering a cake we had the "best birthday ever" according to Lucy. She loves being with her cousins and having them around on her birthday was almost as good as the all boy birthday party she requested back home. I should have known when the doctor told me I actually had to push (she was sunny-side up) in order for her to come out that she was going to be extremely unique. I remember chewing out the doctor saying, "No, you don't understand. I didn't push last time and it's supposed to get easier with every kid. I'm not pushing." I obviously ended up giving in and after a really good couple of pushes she spiritedly came into this world...whether this world was ready for her or not! Happy Birthday Lucy Goosy. We love you and although we tease about your curious and creative spirit our family wouldn't be complete without you.
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