Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Hump Day

Usually is about day 3 of the work week when I get especially impatient and easily angered. Guess that's why I'm feeling like the witchiest momma on the face of the earth! I tried to make up for it tonight. Took the kids to Pizza Hut after ball practice. I even let them double dip their breadsticks in MY pizza sauce. I was feeling super generous and let one of the little boogers suck out of my straw...of course I didn't drink out of the straw after that but it still counts!!! In all seriousness though, wishing tonight I was more patient, less selfish, more gentle and kind. I love these kids more than words can express. If only they were all perfectly behaved and never angered me I could show them more how I feel (Ok, just kidding on this last sentence!).


Blogger jody said...

that is funny. I so feel that way often as well...even that last line makes a lot of sense to me. I love them so much especially when they are sound messed up is that! :-)

9:14 PM  
Blogger Cassie said...

i think i'm more messed up than that...i actually worked all day, outside of the home and was still counting down the minutes until they were peacefully sleeping. i do have a little excuse with the being up a good portion of last night with the flu, but STILL...i need help!

9:35 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

You are far from alone Pam, don't feel bad! And you were not the witchiest mom yesterday, I was!! Creighton made me snap last night....not proud, but it happened...he still loves me this morning. Thank goodness they are so forgiving! (Although Colby reminded me this morning that I said sh*t last night after Creighton got on my last nerve! Of course, she'll never forget that part!)

Cassie you are not alone either. I work outside of the home everyday too and there are many nights that I am watching the clock for bedtime. I have also wished many weeks away in hopes that Friday comes quickly. I am trying to love the weekdays more too and not wish any of these days away. Someday I will wish I had them all back!!!

9:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I could not have said it better myself! If the kids only did exactly what we wanted them to, it would be so much easier being the perfect moms we want to be...and think that every other mom out there already is. I now see I am not alone... :)

4:17 PM  
Blogger Eric and Pam said...

Ok, I have to admit I like taking pictures of them when they are sleeping. They are so still and I can get the good shot the first time! :)

You working girls have my total respect. I can't hardly get all the junk done when I'm home to do it but to balance it all and still keep daddy happy now that's talent! :)

Gail - I wouldn't expect ANYTHING but deep from you girl. LOL! You need to give us some goods on SOULATES. I know you have it in you after all those long nights in Colorado with you and Darrel and E talking theology. :)

5:27 PM  
Blogger Eric and Pam said...

Brenda - YOU'RE NEVER ALONE with this group of online gals. :) We moms have to stick together!

Oh, and HEATHER! What's up with the kids not remembering much of the nice manners we've been pounding in their heads all these years but we pull a quick cuss word out of our pocket and they rememberit like it came from the bible???

5:29 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

Yes, I was reminded first thing this morning that I said a bad word last night. And I was reminded again on the way home tonight that I said a bad word yesterday. They are not going to forget that for a long time :) My kids will always remember me as the mom who said a bad word on May 3, 2006. What fond memories they will forever hold! :)

6:44 PM  

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