Friday, April 14, 2006

Getting to their hearts...

I am a sinful, shameful creature and yet I am my kids' biggest influence. I get frustrated with their antics (my toilet saw toothpaste, hair gel, and MY toothbrush this week, blue craft paint-hidden on a top shelf- stained my kitchen cabinets and counters, a whole box of popcicles was cut into, a window screen was cut with my sewing scissors, and anger was taken out by peeing on a newly made bed and her sister's pillow...both which were in separate locations...and yes, Lucy was very busy this week). I get frustrated with their whining and lack of response to discipline yet I keep plugging away. The sibling nipping drives me silly some days. And yet, I had a very sweet time of really seeing the fruits of hard parenting and a ton of praying. Last night during a huge round of storms and tornadoes we were crouched under the table in the laundry room. The kids were all having different levels of excitement - some nervous, some scared, and some obliviated from reality. Beth was the most scared of all and as everyone was squirming around and giggling on the verge of crying she whaled "Would someone pray or something!" She was begging for us to take our emotions to Christ and allow him to calm us. We prayed and then they began a conversation of what if's and who. They would hear that something was hit near a Wal-Mart in Iowa City so they worried about the people working there. Lucy cried over her little friend William who was visiting a new baby sister in Iowa City. With all the kids all cuddled in there with me I realized that even though there are days I feel like I'll never get through to them, God is in control of it all and HE is getting through to them.


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