Eric Jr.

It is a well known fact back in Kansas that it took an 8 1/2 hour surgery to make Jake look more Buller than Decker. But, no surgery can change his personality. He is almost a replica of his father and here's a picture to prove it. He is anally scraping off the "burnt" parts of his sausage. He also tells people that the food they make for him is pretty good but his mom's is better (needs to learn some tact) and then proceeds to not eat most of what I make for him. I love this kid to's just the parts of his father in him that drive me crazy.
at least he scrapes the burnt parts off and EATS kids would go hungry if they had to eat "black stuff". oh to be a child again...
at least you cook and your kids like it (with the exception of the black part:). every night I hear the same words, "yuck this is disgusting, can I have cereal?".
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