The Packing List
- 4 pair of underwear
- 2 T-shirts
- 2 pair shorts
- 2 pair dockers
- 3 - 4 button up shirts
- 4 pair socks
Thankfully, he took more socks and underwear than regular clothes. I realize he has laundry service but I'm glad I'm not a man and have to wear the same pants and button up shirts every other or every third day. He took more office related things than clothing items. He also only packed one small suitcase to carry-on (none for check-in) and his laptop bag. Amazing. I think I'd pack 3 suitcases.
He is now safely landed on a layover in Minneapolis. He called huffing and puffing to his next gate at the opposite end of the airport. I'm going to go take a nap now as he woke me at 2 am this morning frantically searching for his passport. A couple hours of searching, a ton of praying, a few Oh s**t thoughts, and some clear-headed retracing of his steps found the passport nicely stashed in one of his jackets. Thank God. Would have really put a wrench in the whole day.
oh pam....
most major trips begin with a near tragedy and some of our most FRANTIC prayers! when is our first girls night out?!!? :)
Girls night out couldn't start soon enough. :) The kids were bouncing off the walls this morning at IHOP and I thought I was going to lose my mind...but of course it was the crack of dawn...
was that packing list for one DAY or one MONTH???? I would have had to pack up my house and literally move out if I was leaving for a month! Hope things go well--we'll see you soon.
Gail - there isn't enough room in his suitcase for souvenirs!! Maybe it will be something tiny... (I'll let your imagination run with that one). You should come to the girls night out. You would enjoy it. We are fun girls. :) (You already know how fun I am)
yeah! i think you should come, too! give me a date!!
I wanna come too! See, leaving isn't all that bad when all the girls converge!
Hmmmm....Gail? Are you thinking what I'm thinking? ;)
B is taking more than that on an over night trip to Denver! If E is "such a man"...what is B?
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