Gifts from China

Beth received a beautiful metal horse. Each kid asked for something specific so E worked hard to get what each one wanted.

Jake received a bronze dragon.

Alex wanted a flashy rolex. She got what she asked for!

Family gift - Chinese Checkers in a hand painted and lacquered sheepskin box

Lucy asked for a Chinese American Girl (only this kind of contradiction would come from Lucy!). This is the closest thing he could find. They had porcelain and plastic so he bought plastic knowing it would last a couple of days instead of a couple of hours with this little girl.
This is just a little taste of the treats he's been passing out for the last 24 hours. Words can't do justice to the relief and happiness we're feeling having Eric back. I think I'm smothering him. :) I did get to go to the store by myself for the first time in months. It took me longer than usual because I was trying to savor every minute. We just finished a wonderful family supper and getting ready to tuck everyone in for the night. The jet lag hasn't consumed Eric as much this time...probably because he was acclimated to the time change well enough before switching back...another positive aspect of being gone so long. Again, just so thankful tonight to be reunited.
Looks like fun! Welcome home E. We missed you here in KS too.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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