The Circus Goes to Town
Oh my. What was I thinking? I was tired of being cooped up in this house, with E not making it home before 8 pm most of the week, and kids bouncing off the walls. I was in dire need of school supplies since school starts in a few days and everyone needed shoes. I'd also put off buying clothes for some of the little people long enough. We headed to Davenport yesterday for a refreshing day of circus antics in every store we entered. Lucy and Beth were hiding under clothes racks at Old Navy, Jake took about 45 minutes to try on 6 pair of pants while the girls were done in 10 minutes (he's just like E). While waiting for Jake they started making faces in the mirrors and ended doing loud dance routines. Shoe shopping was maddening. Lucy was pulling any size off the shelf of every shoe she liked and spreading the paper and inserts all over the floor. The picture is after I had cleaned up some of the mess. Notice Lucy isn't in the picture...because she was too busy running up and down the aisles. Trying to fit four kids in shoes all at the same time is insane. I wouldn't recommend trying it. I almost made a grocery bill payment on Jake's shoes...he's grown up into expensive sizes. Thankfully I looked for buy one get one half off deals. Target was out of about 1/2 of the supplies we needed for school. Beth and Lucy wore their new sunglasses into Target and were steering the second cart into every object in their path. I finally stuck them each in a cart and came out with nicely bent folders and notebooks but they were contained. Eric barely beat us home at 10 pm. If I thought the bickering and craziness was wild at home stick them in public while I'm trying to concentrate on a detailed list with a minimal budget. Thankfully it's done.

Seriously, that post makes me break out into hives...
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I knew you would understand...
what were you thinking woman! you are BRAVE. least you don't have to do it again until next august :)
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