Learning to Fly in the Kitchen
Tomorrow is grocery day and we're out of Crystal Light (easy 1 step process to make). Jake found koolaid in the cupboard instead to make to serve some friends who stopped in after swimming...

There's more sugar on the counter than he put in the koolaid...

And the drawer apparently needed re-arranging since he couldn't find the right measuring cup.

Here's what the drawer is supposed to look like. :) Doesn't he realize I like the measuring cups all stacked nicely and everything put in it's place????
I hope my anal drawers and cupboards survive this teaching stage... and I hope I remember the smile on his face when he served my friend a glass of pink lemonade he made himself...and the pride I felt in my heart seeing how hospitable he was on his own accord.
Hey I can make it better than him!!!!I am the little cook in the family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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