Monday, August 28, 2006

Just another Manic Monday

Woke up to candy wrappers and rain. Worked on some projects, ran errands, finally took Eric's car to get the flat tire fixed (he's been airing it up every other day for about 3 or more weeks), took Jake to guitar (while I stayed in the car with 3 very crazy girls), came home to quickly make supper and pay bills. Left the house 5 minutes late for Kindercamp tonight...Lucy met her teacher and toured her room. I made Eric drive my car home for a diagnostic on why I can barely steer (the Surburban saga continues). The rest of the evening I've been doing things but nothing really to show for it. :) I AM working on my Christmas letter already as I seem to never get it done in time for Christmas and then just forget about sending one out. It's getting late but I love the rain and the crip air so I'm going to take Moby for a midnight walk. Tonight I'm very grateful for this neighborhood and for this life. Day after tomorrow I send my kids to school and as much as I'm ready my heart sends a choking sensation up my throat when I think about it. I wish they'd stop growing up sometimes so I can savor these days...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right there with you sister. Since the first day of school both of mine have seemed so much more mature:( and independent:( But life is good and we are so blessed! Love you.

6:46 AM  

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