Sunday, September 24, 2006

Random Reflections

1. One time a guy told me I made his buttons pop off. Now I'm just popping out of my own buttons.

2. I'm no longer the kid. I'm in charge.

3. Gum is worse than my mom let on. But then again, she didn't have Lucy. (I was a perfect angel)

4. Boys either hate to shower and fight you to take one or they expend the hot water heater when everyone else is waiting in the wings.

5. In spite of not reading the bible from front to back kids seem to have a better handle on the theology of love.

6. I have to set 4 alarm clocks to get myself up in time...and even then I am late.

7. If you have a child who repeatedly pees in the bed and you're out of pull-ups just make her sleep in a sleeping bag. It's waterproof. (didn't know you were actually going to get an education out of this list, did you??)

8. Tell everyone you're going to go take a nap and they'll leave you alone to blog.

9. It takes longer to teach a child to do their chore but the time spent is worth a lifetime of slavery.

10. If you can still see the floor of the laundry room there is hope.

11. Never walk barefoot across the kitchen floor after the girls have been "cooking". Right now there is a sandy mixture of sugar and cinnamon spread to every corner. Oh, and eggs are too hard to clean off plates and the smell leaves you gasping for breath. I say eggs because they don't just make 1 or 2. They make a dozen.

12. The burning in my heart today of what I wanted to be when I grow up is still aflame as fervently as it was when I was 8. I want to remember this so I can listen to the desires of my little people and help nurture their talents and passions so they don't wonder some day if it will ever be...or if they missed it.

13. Being myself (even if I do say what comes to my mind and most of the time it is really out there) is much easier than being on guard.

14. Satan can use "good" people to distract us and do his bidding. And God can use "bad" people (like me) to do His work.

15. Sometimes I find myself thinking I am closer to friends than they think they are to me. I realized it is because I pray for them. Praying for someone creates a deep spot in one's heart that reminds us to love them in action.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you got a kid peeing the bed, instead of a sleeping bag try putting 2 pair of underware on them,(absorbancy) then cut 2 holes in the bottom of a gabage bag(leg holes).they can wear the garbage bag like a big pull up, and the yellow draw strings at the top of the bag will cinch it up tight!!!!

4:20 PM  
Blogger Cassie said...

i pray for you.

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe if you called your would have been a good day...I'm thinking that is a great to your sister TODAY, on the 24th...hummm...the 24th...that's a good day for a sister chat...

9:51 PM  
Blogger Eric and Pam said...

Just an FYI Voni - I called you BEFORE I read this. Happy Birthday! :)

10:42 PM  

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