Cold Cats
So, Eric came home for lunch today. I was just getting out of the shower and Lucy was down in my room with me and he came downstairs looking for us. He started questioning Lucy about the kitties. As he was talking to her, I vaguely began to remember her telling me she had put them in the garage and shut the garage door this morning because she was afraid it was going to storm. This was maybe about 9 am. I couldn't figure out where she put them that had Eric drilling her so intensly. He just kept saying, "No, Lucy, tell me exactly where you put them." Finally I couldn't take it and I yelled at him to just spit it out and tell me where they were. Apparently, he had gone outside to get a pop from the refrigerator and to his surprise he found two very cold kitties...jumping out at him as soon as he opened the door. Who knows how she thought up putting them in the refrigerator. Only in Lucy land...
You just never know, do you????? she's so funny!
oh my gosh! that's all.
funny...just hilarious.
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