Saturday, May 13, 2006


This morning we took the kids to volunteer out at camp. We arrived late (as usual) and as we piled out of the car in the chilly weather I realized two out of four kids forgot their shoes. I dropped Eric and Alex off and ran back home. It's a good thing we went back for shoes because 2 hours later Beth and Lucy were head to toe in mud. Lucy's buns were mix of leaves, mud and some unidentifiable object. They were freezing cold and their shoes were covered. Needless to say I stripped them down before leaving and threw them in the tub as soon as we came home.

After church tonight I was searching all over for my kids. Usually they run ahead and wait by the door, Lucy playing doorman to all those leaving. I found the three bigger kids giving each other "rides" in the wheelchair by the doors. I was mortified when I saw Jake spin Alex and pop a wheely. Then Alex dropped her glasses and Jake proceeded to run over them. And, they were already in trouble for playing on the wheelchair last week. Such mixed signals. It was ok to play with Great-Papa's wheelchair because he enjoyed it but for some reason it seems disrespectful to play on the one at church. But, they mean no harm and they truly were just being kids. (and getting quite a rowdy reputation at church to boot!)


Blogger jody said...

oh good, I'm glad my kids aren't the only ones that race that wheel chair...I'm pretty sure my boys could give you a run for your money as the rowdy crew.

11:06 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

i'm glad my kids haven't discovered the wheel chair...yet....

5:42 PM  

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