These are the days I hate living in Iowa
Most of my family is on their way to an old, white, traditional country courthouse in a little town in Kansas to celebrate a gift our family has been given. A gift that only God's hand could have led the path for. My last memory of this courthouse where my brother-in-law spends many of his days as a "good" attorney (as opposed to the man eating money hungry ones) was taking my kids ice skating on the county lawn. Only I never made it ice skating because I rolled my ankle on the WAY to get the skates on...sending me to spend the duration of MY skating time in the ER. Today I wish with everything I am that I could make a new memory at that courthouse. I wish I could be there with my sister. Not that she's alone at all but that these are the times when having your only sister around is important. I feel like I let her down...even though circumstances were out of my control. I couldn't explain to myself how I could justify missing the first day of school for my kids...or the first day ever for my kindergartner. So today I am celebrating here in Iowa with Voni and Rick and Hannah as they take little Carlie, who they have considered their own even before they took her home last Thanksgiving, and legalize the adoption and completion of their family. These are the days I hate living so far away from home.

Okay, so I made it the whole day without crying, til I read your blog! Driving ten hours for a 20 min. court hearing is just crazy. Just remember, you knew about her first...We video-taped the hearing. Kief will help me email it to you. We love you guys and missed you today!
We would hate it if you didn't live here, Pam! I'm sure all 20 felt you there in spirit. She is a beautiful little girl!!!
Thanks for rubbing it in mom... :) Just kidding.
Glad you cried WITH me, Voni...
CC is so sweet!!!!!
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