Seriously Gross

The cat took care of my mouse problem this morning. I was looking around the house and panicking about my parents getting here tonight and the house being trashed when I found him in the kitchen with only the legs of the mouse left to eat. One problem: that mouse may have already been dead due to the poison Eric left for him behind the refrigerator. I asked E if the cat will get sick and die from the poison too and he said "that is the circle of life." Guess he still doesn't like the cat very much. But that cat DID eat the mouse...finally. (Jody, you need a cat) :)
not going to do it. that's disgusting.
that is so very gross.
I am going to get sick. I might rather have a mouse reside in my house than find that in my kitchen. :)
I would rather have just seen the pix of the cat with the carcass, you should really have a warning label or something. Is that his intestines? Maybe his spleen...
i think those are the guts after the Decon took over. yuck!
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