If anyone has seen a lost vacuum missing from Calaveras Lane, please return it to it's owner. She is in desperate need of vacuuming. Can you believe I LOST my vacuum?
Just so you know Heather...my mom cleaned the laundry room when she was here last week and so it is still fairly user-friendly and I can see the floor. But I did think of that first. :)
I DID finally find the vacuum and I'm not telling you people where because it's too embarrassing. But, it was not in the closet where it belongs...or any other closet for that matter, or any other logical place. All I can say is that ERIC must've vacuumed last...
Married my high school sweetheart and quickly produced 4 mini us'. The characters portrayed in this blog are real, not make believe. This is our life...
exactly how do you lose a vacuum?
Did you look under the weekly pile of laundry? Maybe ask Lucy--it could be in with the cats :)
Just so you know Heather...my mom cleaned the laundry room when she was here last week and so it is still fairly user-friendly and I can see the floor. But I did think of that first. :)
I DID finally find the vacuum and I'm not telling you people where because it's too embarrassing. But, it was not in the closet where it belongs...or any other closet for that matter, or any other logical place. All I can say is that ERIC must've vacuumed last...
The last I saw it was in the dining room behind the plants! Or in the entry closet???
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