I failed to mention the generosity of our friends who loaned us their Suburban at the last minute. On Wednesday, a few days before we left, we realized our own Suburban was going to take over $300 to fix and still may not be incredibly reliable. Although I was a little psycho about the kids not eating in their new vehicle, and the dog staying on his blanket in the back, and making sure no one wrote their name on the windows with their fingers, and making sure their smelly little feet stayed under blankets and not on the back of seats, it was a relief to not worry if we'd get to our destination or not. How do we thank someone for such a blessing? I have struggled with this for almost a week now. But then, while I was reading to Eric to keep him awake, I found this:
"He who recognizes the breath of God in another can truly let another enter his life, too, and can receive the gifts which are given to him. In this way it is possible to allow another the joy of giving something. The difficulty this presents in our time comes out in this confession of a contemporary man: 'To accept something gives me the feeling of dependence. This is something I'm generally not used to. I manage my own affairs and I'm glad I can. Whenever I receive something, I don't know exactly how to handle it. It's as though I am no longer the center of my own life and it gets a little uncomfortable. Actually that's a silly thing to say, for I'm not letting someone else have what I myself like to have. I don't let him have the joy of giving.'"
- Henri J.M. Nouwen
Hmmm. Being on the receiving end makes you think.
Thank you McGills from the bottom of our hearts!