Friday, June 30, 2006
Some Crap + Some Good Stuff = LIFE
Today has been an incredibly challenging day. I decided to list all the crappy things that have gone on today...but even though the day had a lot of crap in it I am bound and determined to offset the crap with the good things that happened. So here it goes:
- CRAP - E woke us up at the crack of dawn (ok, so it was like 8 am but we were finally sleeping!!)
- GOOD - We all got to talk with Daddy and then he sent us pictures of all the yucky things he's eating.
- CRAP - Someone left the door open to the Suburban and it was dead.
- GOOD - Jody came by to leave the car top carrier and was able to help me push the Suburban out of the garage (without running over ANY of the 8 kids or 2 cats, 5 kittens or dog) and get it jumped.
- CRAP - I opened the box to my new elliptical and realized it might be a job for man after all. There's like 5,000 parts and I'm pretty sure a man wrote the be interpreted by another man.
- GOOD - At least I got the 241 lb. box to my room down the steps and to the end of the hall all by myself.
- CRAP - I went to open the garage door to the bay where the mower sits and a screw fell out at me...and the door wouldn't open. I was even using the emergency pull for the electric opener.
- GOOD - I didn't have to mow today because I couldn't get the mower out of the garage. (Sorry E, I am messing up your strict mowing schedule and probably creating a lot of havic with lawn clippings)
- CRAP - Lucy had a high fever today and had to go in to the doctor and leave a urine sample.
- GOOD - Lucy has been fairly lethargic and cuddly all day and hasn't gotten into too much mischief. Jody was nice enough to drop off some medicines and 7 up to get us through the night.
- CRAP - I missed our book club night out due to Lethargic Lucy.
- GOOD - Even though this one just plain sucks for me I am very glad they still went. Those girls deserved a night out!
- CRAP - I was desperate to get out of the house so I loaded everyone up and took them to McDonald's drive-thru (we had 3 free kids meal coupons that expired TODAY!). As I backed out around the Camry to position myself to drive forward out the long windy driveway I mangled Beth's bike. Of course, my first thought was "how many times have I told you to put your bike away when you're done! Especially not to leave it behind the Suburban." The tears coming from the third seat created a nice river of guilt in my heart.
- GOOD - I was reminded that I'm very selfish and that this life is not about me. How will these little people figure this out for themselves if they don't first see it coming from their mommy.
It's always best to end on a positive note (even if I'm not feeling too positive; more mentally exhausted and a little stressed...maybe I need to THINK positively). The best part about today was a very nice card coming from a friend back home in Kansas that I haven't heard from in a while (she belongs to my favorite little "magazine" family...they should all be published they're so beautiful...and it's not just on the outside!). It was very encouraging just in the moment that I needed it most. I was actually sitting at the computer gutted with pitiful tears when one of the kids handed me the mail that had just been delivered. I would bet too that when she mailed it she didn't even realize the impact it would have but she was listening to that little voice from God telling her to do it. So, I am most thankful today for good friends both far and near. For my "community". (or cult as Eric might call it when it comes to blogging...)
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I'm feeling very, very sleepy...
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
In Progress
"God is not merely concerned with results, but also with character - and few things produce character like learning how to wait." Gary Thomas, Authentic Faith
Hoping we make progress in building character during this month.
Lean on Me
E arrived safely in Hong Kong and heads across the border into China after he sleeps.
Monday, June 26, 2006
The Packing List
- 4 pair of underwear
- 2 T-shirts
- 2 pair shorts
- 2 pair dockers
- 3 - 4 button up shirts
- 4 pair socks
Thankfully, he took more socks and underwear than regular clothes. I realize he has laundry service but I'm glad I'm not a man and have to wear the same pants and button up shirts every other or every third day. He took more office related things than clothing items. He also only packed one small suitcase to carry-on (none for check-in) and his laptop bag. Amazing. I think I'd pack 3 suitcases.
He is now safely landed on a layover in Minneapolis. He called huffing and puffing to his next gate at the opposite end of the airport. I'm going to go take a nap now as he woke me at 2 am this morning frantically searching for his passport. A couple hours of searching, a ton of praying, a few Oh s**t thoughts, and some clear-headed retracing of his steps found the passport nicely stashed in one of his jackets. Thank God. Would have really put a wrench in the whole day.
Saturday, June 24, 2006

I didn't capture the whole day in pictures but I did manage to get some during our smore outing. I completed my final mowing session so next Saturday I'm on my own. There's still one spot I have to hold my breath and close my eyes (not a good idea though) going up the hill. There's only a few skid marks in the yard and only a few spots where the tires made a hole. I'm actually glad E won't be around to moniter my mowing procedures. One round and I got chewed out for "doing it wrong". A nice fight brewed but I was able to get back into his box of "how to" and complete the project with a C+ mainly for effort. The swimming turned into running in the sprinklers so we could accomplish other projects in the meanwhile. The dog fence is about 2/3 in but we began training Moby. He caught on so fast we left him unattended and guess who drove around the neighborhood looking for him...
Today we clean. My favorite Day.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
"Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant (I'm not pregnant, just so you know)condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good...
...Do you think anyone is able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst of sins listed in Scripture...None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that nothing-nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable-absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our master has embraced us."
Romans 8:26-28 and some stuff from the 30's (The Message) (ok, i'm really tired and mentally losing it so if you want the whole concept being given by the pregnant analogy go to your bible and read from verse's all good...just too tired to type it and you get my point.)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Happy Father's Day Dad...a day late

Taking time to explain things to me. I was always asking questions...still am.

Always had a shoulder for me.
Happy Father's Day Dad!
Wheat Harvest

These are my kiddos at wheat harvest just weeks before moving to Iowa.

This is my brother and two of his crew this year during wheat harvest. My dad is on the combine in the background cutting wheat. Thanks for the pictures Lisa!
I hadn't missed a wheat harvest in my whole life until we moved to Iowa. Haven't made it back for one ever since. Here's a few pictures that remind me of my dad and his farm tonight. I think my family just finished cutting wheat (ok Iowans, it's like harvesting CORN only you come out with wheat berries instead of corn) which makes me a little homesick.
Lucy's Fortune
- A great pleasure in life is doing what others say you can't.
Pretty much summed up Lucy in one little fortune cookie.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Life Keeps Moving
Tonight E and I are going away for one last rendezvous before he leaves for China. Here's how God works. He knows what we need and then he prompts someone to supply it for us. He is a loving and compassionate God. He touches my heart when I am numb and think there's nothing left. Here's part of the email I received from a friend that put me in tears (and still is now) because God reminded me that He knows what I need:
Hey guys,
Get ready for a little get away from life for a night!
Friday, June 16 you will take off from your home (without children) and head to Galesburg, IL.
You will enjoy a meal at the “Packing House” restaurant and then retire in your King size Non smoking room at the Comfort Inn...
...Also, the baby sitting is on us too!
I feel so unworthy of this kind gesture and yet it is exactly what we need. Life really sucks sometimes but deep in the depths of my heart and soul I know that God is taking care of it all and he will supply us with the strength to keep moving each day.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Kitty Report
Last night Alex heard a kitten meowing and she went into the laundry room and found Lucy fresh out of the shower, still naked, guilty as can be, hiding something behind her back. She was standing in front of the playpen (their new home) and as Alex questioned her she saw something drop into the playpen from behind Lucy's back. I'm having a hard time keeping these little people from holding these kittens without me around! I'm considering putting a lock on the door to keep Lucy out. She just loves them so much! Remember that song "Love Hurts"? I've come to appreciate a new meaning for that song between Lucy and the kitties.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Trying to refocus today and not get caught up in what we don't have and focus on why we're here...
Something's Missing
Sunday, June 11, 2006
The Flu...Round 2
Friday, June 09, 2006
Guess What

And guess where....
I just sent this email to Eric. He saw carpet and thought it was inside...little did he know that Spots had kittens in the front of the Chevelle...Eric's prize possession. Guess God's working on him letting go of some of those earthly treasures. I'm cracking up as I write this. Eric really hates cats. I thought cats had kittens in the safest places, but I guess Spots hasn't gotten to know Eric well enough. And she labored them Buller style (at least E Buller style) to the mountain dew. Finally, a summer activity!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Read My Mind
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Beth and Lucy went to their first T-ball practice last night. Despite my efforts to give them some training ahead of time, they were a hoot to watch. They also seemed to learn better from their coaches than they did from me, Jake and Alex. After Lucy's initial shyness and being glued to Coach Mitchell (holding hands at times) she opened up and let the real Lucy shine. At one point she was laying on her back with her feet up in the air throwing her glove up and catching it while they were doing drills. Beth was doing cartwheels. Then, when it was Lucy's turn to hit the ball she hit it and took off to third base. Beth thoroughly enjoyed seeing a couple of boys from her Kindergarten class and they had a jumping up and down hug at the end. It was a thoroughly entertaining event...I was laughing out loud...sure the people around me thought I was crazy. I think I'll send Eric to the next practice and I'll go to the big kid games. He has to see this to appreciate the humor.
Monday, June 05, 2006
I came inside and emailed Eric this:
ME: Everything that's flat is mowed. :)
ERIC's REPLY: Umm… There isn’t much of our yard that is flat.
I'm starting a club called, "Mom's Against Mowing."